pregnant woman in headstand

I teach a yoga practice that fosters inner intelligence and awareness through action, not just movement. I focus on teaching the cause and effect, or the “keys” of the pose, encouraging the student to focus their mind on a specific action, or series of actions, within the asana. These actions bring freedom to the pose and a meditative effect on the mind. 

With a background in design, I deeply appreciate that this style of yoga practice provides the ability to design the body to bring it back to optimal function - where organs, joints and the entire nervous system can be nourished.

woman doing yoga ardha chandrasana at Laguna Blanca Bolivia

About Lara

I have had the profound honor of learning the art and science of yoga under the direct guidance of yoga master Mahyar Raz for the past 20 years.  Starting in my 20’s, through two pregnancies and now into my more mature years, I have studied yoga in the lineage of B.K.S. Iyengar.  Mahyar was a direct student of Mr. Iyengar for over 30 years and I have benefited from Mahyar’s incredible ability to share his deep and multilayered teachings while she also built upon them through her 40+ years of practice and teaching.

I began teaching small classes out of my apartment loft in 2006 and eventually in studio at the request of my teacher. Today I enjoy working one on one with clients as well as offering semi-private and small group classes in the west Los Angeles area.

Pregnant woman doing yoga backbend

I am a certified prenatal yoga teacher and have completed teacher training in the Spinning Babies approach to pregnancy and childbirth. 

I am passionate about teaching expectant moms how to achieve a safe and beneficial prenatal yoga practice as well as sharing knowledge on relieving the discomforts that can come with pregnancy.