A beneficial prenatal yoga practice must seek to achieve an active spine, a soft abdomen, a neutral pelvis position, and a quiet nervous system.  B3 Balance yoga sessions are based on this foundation in order to create the ideal environment for your baby’s development.

pregnant woman doing yoga upavistha konasana

I offer a unique approach to prenatal yoga and birth preparation. With a focus on activating the body while quieting the mind, I aim to help you create an optimal environment for your developing baby and use proven techniques for a more comfortable pregnancy and easier birth.

B3 Balance Prenatal Yoga benefits include:

  • Through specific actions and techniques you will learn to activate essential areas of your changing body, creating the optimal environment for your baby's in utero development.

  • The B3 Balance method allows moms-to-be to have a positive prenatal influence on the temperament and behaviour of their baby, while at the same time strengthen their own bodies and calm their minds.

  • Learn actions that create space for baby, encourage circulation to the womb, and prevent (or relieve) the discomforts pregnancy can bring

  • Learn a safe, supported practice to ensure stability in the poses.  Props are used which makes these sessions accessible to complete beginners and essential for "flexible", seasoned practitioners

  • Learn breathing technqiues and pranayama (breath control) during restorative sessions.  Breath awareness and control is an excellent tool for labor and delivery

  • The practice teaches one to stay in the present moment, another invaluable skill for labor

A prenatal yoga practice should first and foremost be done for the growing baby. This includes taking into account the state of mom's nervous system, which in turn affects the developing baby's nervous system. I focus on a beneficial prenatal yoga practice with a strong therapeutic approach because I always ask the most important question first: is it best for baby?


Secondly, my approach to prenatal yoga benefits mom, providing relief from the common discomforts of pregnancy, strengthening and awakening the body while quieting the mind. I aim to give you the tools to take control of your pregnancy. Whether you're feeling lethargic and nauseous, dealing with low back/sacrum discomfort, feeling anxious or simply want to best prepare your body for labor and birthing your baby, I will provide active solutions for all this and more.


My approach to pregnancy yoga is therapeutic and supported. We will utilize props and a wall in our practice to support your growing body made unstable by the relaxin hormone and your shifting center of gravity. This is to ensure a quiet nervous system while we practice AND so that you can get the most benefit from the poses while keeping your developing baby safe.


By practicing prenatal yoga with a mindful, meditative and beneficial approach, we are in essence actively designing a balanced body to provide an optimal in utero environment for baby's balanced development. Through balanced pelvic muscles, ligaments and fascia we are also ensuring a more balanced birthing experience by providing the ideal conditions for baby to easily navigate the pelvis during birth.